Obat Luka Diabetes Di Apotik

Diabetic injury is a wound condition that occurs in diabetics. Where if a diabetic suffers injuries or ulcers, do not assume trivial injuries. Because the wounds are underestimated by sufferers over time will get worse and in some cases of diabetic patients who have severe conditions must be done amputation.

There are two types of diabetic wound injuries: wounds of wet diabetes and wounds of dry diabetes, if the wound you are experiencing is difficult to dry the wound is natural wound diabetes wet where the wound can cause an infection or abscess of the wound, which will cause the smell of odor diarea wound. So for people and people around feel uncomfortable with the aroma. There are several factors that cause diabetes wounds are difficult to lose even worse if left alone without any penaganan, and the following are:
  • Blood Circulation is inhibited
As a result of elevated high blood sugar levels in the blood can lead to complications, one of which is the arteries hardened and narrowed arteries. So that the flow of blood from the heart to other organs becomes inhibited. While the wounds of diabetes that occur require adequate oxygen and nutrients so that wounds that occur can heal.

As a result of insufficient supply of nutrients and oxygen, the cells in the body become increasingly difficult to repair tissue and nerve damage. So the injuries that occur difficult to heal can even get worse. read : QNC Jelly Gamat
  • Weak Immune System or Weak Body Power
Diabetics who have high blood sugar levels make the cells that keep the immune system weakened. Thus, the injuries that occur slightly in patients with diabaetes difficult to lose and difficult to cure because it can be infected with severe infection. And immune cells can not repair the damage that occurs in the wound or ulcer quickly.
  • Nerve Damage (Neuropathy)
Neuropathy is one of the complications that occur in diabetic wound patients. Where the condition of the descending sensory ability can not even feel the pain, pain and even sore on the wound. This is because the nerve cells that exist in the body damaged by high sugar levels, so that nerve cells in the body is unable to send pain signals to the brain. This condition can aggravate the condition of the patient, where the patient is not aware if the wounds in the natural can get worse without causing pain or the other. So the patient becomes late to perform treatment and handling.

Drugs for Diabetes Injuries At Pharmacies Here are some traditional medicinal herbs that can be made as an ointment wound diabetes:
  1. Olive Oil: Olive oil can also be used as a diabetes wound remedy where you simply apply on the wound with a routine. With it natural oil is able to assist the healing process wounds without causing side effects
  2. Organic Honey; honey that has not been in if ternayata can be used as medicine for diabetes wounds. Diamana thin layer contained in honey is able to clean the wound and prevent the severity of the wound until not in amputation.
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